
Having to specify flags every time you run a command can be tedious. In order to improve the usability of the CLI, we give you the ability to link a configuration to a directory. This allows the CLI to default the organization, project, and environment flags every time you run a command.

Override config file?

If you wish to override a specific defaulted value, you can just provide a value for that flag. Specified flags take precedence over defaulted values.

Creates a seekrit.json configuration file to avoid having to specify an organization, project, and environment on each command. If a configuration file is not found in the directory on which the command is being executed, we recurse up directories until one is found. Prompts if no input.

  $ seekrit link

  -e, --environment=environment    Name of environment.
  -o, --organization=organization  Name of organization.
  -p, --project=project            Name of project.

Removes configuration file set with link command in current directory.

  $ seekrit unlink

  -r, --recurse  Recurses up directories until configuration file found to unlink.