
Now that you have downloaded our CLI, we will now walk you through how to securely store, fetch, and inject environment variables (aka SECRETS) into your applications.

Register and Login

Lets go ahead and register for an account. Then lets login to get started.

$ seekrit register -e -p 12345678
# Check your email and accept invite.
$ seekrit login -e -p 12345678

Create an organization

An organization is used to hold ALL your teams and environment variables. We will go ahead and name ours "playground", since this organization's mission is to create a playground for learning. You will need create your own organization name that you would want to keep for all future use past this tutorial.

$ seekrit orgs:create playground

Let's create our first project

A project lives within an organization and is typically named after the application you need to manage secrets for. Because this is our first project, lets name it "hello-world".

$ seekrit projects:create -o playground hello-world

All projects need an environment

Environments allow you to create different sets of secrets within a project that are isolated from each other.

$ seekrit envs:create -o playground -p hello-world develop

Automating our workflow! ⚙️

Lets use the link command to create a seekrit.json configuration file to avoid having to specify an organization, project, and environment on each command.

This is not permanent. You can override the flags, delete and create multiple configuration files.

$ seekrit link -o playground -p hello-world -e develop

Creating your first secret! 🔑

Creating a secret is simple, you just need to specify where you want to create the secret and assign it a name and value. Because we automated our workflow earlier, we can just focus on creating our secret.

# flag "-n" specifies the name of the secret and "-v" represents its value
$ seekrit secrets:create -n foo -v bar

Verifying our progress ✅

Let's do a list call to fetch all secrets that we will be injecting into our application in the next step.

$ seekrit secrets:list
Fetching Secrets... done


Last step! Injecting our secrets 🎉 🚀 💥 💪

Congratulations! We are now ready to spin up a process with all your secrets injected into its environment variables. In the example below, we used the printenv command to verify that our secrets got injected successfully.

$ seekrit run -- printenv
Injecting secrets into environment... done
